Our very own Sammie Kyng has recently been highlighted on Artistcloseup along with other credible and well-known artists, your go-to destination for exploring emerging artists! Artistcloseup is rapidly gaining popularity as the fastest-growing art blog online.
Sammie Kyng
Sammie Kyng is an abstract drip, spray paint artist. A native of Minnesota, her work often includes collages and mixed media. Inspired by Jackson Pollack at a young age, her work now follows a method involving building a relationship with a live model in which she digs deep to obtain truly unique expressions and highly dramatic stories which she transfers to large format canvases.

What is your background and how did you start your journey in the art world?
“I began my art career as a child. Every year when I wrote down what I wanted to be, next to my annual school photo, I carefully penned "Artist."”
What does your work aim to say? Does it comment on any current social or political issues?
“My current work attempts to catch a glimpse of a model's shadow self; their inner beast if you will. If they are thinking about social and political issues, that is up to them. I work with them to rip off their strings of constraint and to dig deep into their soul. Maybe I help them breathe a bit easier - just for a moment.”
Do you plan your work in advance, or is it improvisation?
“Typically, I'll begin working with a model via a discussion where we'll ultimately articulate a concept of what an end visual might look like. We'll move to capturing imagery via video. I guide them, and often push them, to really give me a sense of themselves that the world needs to see. Aviator for example was a second video shoot. When the model was getting ready to leave my studio, he put on his glasses and I said "That's it". We reshot with his tinted glasses and we captured a much more powerful composition.”
Are there any art world trends you are following?
“I love Ralph Steadman. He makes something out of nothing - just a few splashes of paint and he sees a bird, or a man. Art Spiegelman's Maus is profound. To win a Pulitzer for your Art is amazing. I've always loved Georgia O'Keeffe. Phallic flowers. Say no more. And Frida Kahlo didn't seem to hold back at all when it came to telling her story visually.”
What process, materials and techniques do you use to create your artwork?
“After discussing and collaborating on the vision, my model and I will move to a video shoot in order to grab all the nuances of expression, like a raised lip or brow. We'll often work together to pick out our favorite frames. Then it is up to me to put acrylic, ink and even markers to canvas. I love getting very drippy, dirty and gritty on the canvas. I try to push myself to interpret the frame just as much as the model pushed themselves during the video shoot.”
What does your art mean to you?
“The work that I am doing now really means escape and Freedom! When my last relationship ended I was in so much pain that I left nearly all my art and most of my belongings at my former home. Everything was put up for auction. So someone else owns my former work now. Now, I work with others to truly express ourselves together and capture a bit of freedom to some grit, some power and passion.”
What’s your favorite artwork and why?
“I love pushing boundaries like Pollock, Mapplethorpe and Warhol did. I am them - now, in my mind!”
Have you had any noteworthy exhibitions you'd like to share?
“Recently, I hit the Red Line Gallery in Denver. Gonzo, formerly homeless, had his first solo exhibition. His collage work is profound. I think his words explain my recent life transition perfectly; "I went from living a life that I couldn't talk about, to one I can't stop talking about."”
For the complete blog post, click here: https://www.artistcloseup.com/blog/interview-sammie-kyng